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The Identity V Shrine


Welcome Detectives! Sifting through evidance can be confusing, its easy to loose track of whose associated with who, this page's purpose is to assist you in your investgations by keeping track of those connections for you. Its not a completley compreshensive wiki of the lore of Identity V, but more so an attempt to make a organised jumping off point, the Fandom Wiki is in depth but its hard to search for a specfic game on there without going through every characters profile so you can look through here instead.

Its also worth noting that this is tool for me too, an excuse for me to look into characters I had no intrest in before, so don't treat what's said here as gospel I may still get things wrong. Oh also I'm dsylexic so expect spelling mistakes ahead. With that in mind happy investigating!

Best viewed on computers.

A Note...

We will not be covering the mainline stories such as Ashes of Memory here as it currently on going and doesn't rely on scattered letters to tell its story. We also won't be covering any event stories like COA because I personally don't give a shit. Thank you.

Completed games...

Game one - The Control Game - Helena Adams, The Mind's Eye Galatea Claude, The Sculptor Ada Mesmer, The Psychologist Emil, The Patient Orpheus, The Novelist

under Investigation...

Game three - The Silent Game

Game four - The Vetran's Game

Game nine - The Winter Game

Game Zero ...

The Control Game


Survivors: Mind's Eye 0-0-3 Patient 0-0-2 Psychologist 0-0-1 Novelist 0-1-0

Hunter: Sculptor 0-0-4


Our participants in this game were firstly the Sculptor Galatea who first visited the manor in her youth to gain inspiration for her art and is now returning after an accident that left her unable to walk presumably in the hopes of recapturing that lightning in bottle she got the last time she was here, the Psychologist Ada and her Patient and lover Emil who seem to know the Baron personally and are hoping he can provide help in getting Emil the mental health support he needs following a sudden backslide in his recovery, and the Mind's Eye Helena who's tutor Sullivan recommended she go to petition the Baron about supporting her financially as she overcomes the prejudice she faces as a blind woman and goes to college to study.

There is also the Novelist Orpheus who has been in quite a few games it seems and even returns to the manor later in his life as a detective to investigate it, I'm not sure where this game in particular lies in his timeline but considering this is supposedly meant to be a control group my assumption is its one of his first, as for why he's here now I assume its because he wants to interview Emil for his book as is referenced in some of Ada's letters.

I personally believe this group was meant to be the control group in the manor games experiment to be compared against the other groups and therefore not meant to end in death, as it is mentioned in Helena's experiment file how "In conventional cases, once a control group has been "broken," it would rapidly experiment into the experimental group" as in the plan for this group changed following unforeseen circumstances, based on the evidence so far I believe those circumstances go something like this...

Upon entering the manor all participants begin to converse with each other and quickly alliances form, notably between Helena and Galatea who become very close very quickly. Its clear from their letters that Helena found a kindred spirit in Galatea as a fellow member of the disabled to community though it is unclear in Galatea felt the same way or was just pretending. Both Helena and Ada + Emil also found themselves clustering around Orpheus initially due to his strong personality and their previous interaction with one and other where as Galatea was not nearly as on board with him.

Everything was going well until things took a turn when someone (presumably Emil due to He/Him being used to refer to them) attacked Helena or Galatea, Galatea pushed Helena out of the way of the attack I believe went to fetch Ada's whistle that uses to pacify Emil however before she gets the chance to use it Orpheus reacts to the situation and shot him dead with a hunting rifle. The reason for this attack is unclear, it could be the Orpheus' interview took a turn as Ada had initially denied his requests to do so on the grounds of concern for his mental health, or my crack theory is that Galatea provoked him as part of her later mentioned manipulations but as of right now we aren't sure. We also aren't sure what Ada was doing at this time or how she reacted to the death of her beloved husband though it can assumed she reacted poorly based on how close she was to him.

What we do know for certain is that following this Galatea locked herself in her room and throw some sort of tantrum, banging things around and refusing to talk to anyone, and shortly after Emil's corpse disappeared.

Its here again though that we lose all understanding of the situation as we have no idea what happened after that, only that Helena's experiment file mentions how Helena fell into some sort of trap or manipulation of Galatea's and became the "punisher" for this game whatever that is.

Both Helena, Galatea, and Orpheus are confirmed to have escaped the manor, Emil is confirmed dead and Ada is MIA. Regardless of what happened to Ada this is still highest number of escapees I've seen thus far, its as if they never participated in the hunting part of the game at all...

Letters ...

Containing only the letters relating to events within the manor specifically. In places where characters are refered to vaguely I have used their icons to indicate who is being spoken of, please refer to the key.

A Carefully-folded Note

Just as Mr. DeRoss described, the Manor houses many noteworthy "pieces." Most interesting, however, is a collection of sculptures dedicated to the Muses: they were not made by a world-renowned sculptor of any kind, yet their method of crafting remains incredibly unique. During my studies in Florence, I imitated the technique to produce a number of animal sculptures. The originator of this technique, a genius favored by art yet scorned by fate, has long since returned to ash, the tragic victim of a vicious fire. According to Mr. DeRoss, these sculptures were included when his predecessor first purchased the Manor. Whether or not the original purchaser knew about their unique sculpting technique is unclear, but Mr. DeRoss is convinced that they were well aware of it. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why he invited me to restore them?

During my time at the Manor, I spent an inordinate amount of time on my task, far more than necessary. The reason for this is that I made a number of interesting discoveries, ones that were not mentioned to me before. Namely, they were two genuine sculptures of the Muse Terpsichore in different poses and a near-perfect counterfeit of Calliope. For a set of sculptures to contain two of the same figure is a rare sight indeed. Generally, this is only the case when a piece is lost during the sculpting process, forcing the artist to complete the original set with a new replacement. As for the counterfeit...

Her only imperfection is one that was left by her creator, and can only be noticed by those who are capable of perceiving the truth of art. Perhaps it isn't an imperfection at all, but an incomplete section of the sculpture? Much like the words written on the counterfeit's back (which have been rubbed away), perhaps it's simply waiting for the artist to return and finish what was started. And if Mr. DeRoss isn't waiting for that person to return, then he most likely intends to take their place. When he finally makes his decision, I believe I will return to the Manor yet again. For my muse and for myself, I will ensure that she is made whole.

Note:Its possible this letter takes place before the events of the game when Galatea first visited the manor, but it could also be this describes her reason for returning.

A Message

Dear Galatea,

How are you? You locked yourself in after returning to your room early in the morning. You refused to say anything, and all we could hear was incessant yet faint banging. Please talk to me. I'm very worried about you... You must be frightened. No one expected it to go the way it did, but Mr. Orpheus did it to protect himself... and us. Just like how you immediately pushed me aside when we were attacked. Don't be afraid, Galatea. I'll never leave your side. I will protect you, and we will leave this place together. Please be sure to call me if you've calmed down or need anything.

One last thing, when we returned last night, we discovered that his corpse was gone, but Mr. Orpheus denied ever cleaning it up. I have a bad feeling... Anyway, please be careful when you're alone.


An Unsent Letter in the Waste Basket

Dear father, I had a glimpse of the true meaning of creation. In the past, I used to pursue the praise of fools. But now I don't have time to care for such trivial matters. Perhaps this is all thanks to my decision to travel. Do you still remember the work I gave to Mr. DeRoss? A bird imprisoned in stone. A meaningless, disorderly, insignificant work of which the spirit gradually died. Yes, it was superficial. That's why I destroyed it myself when I saw it again. Before I figured that out, I came across an imprisoned puppet and a slave who self-proclaimed to be noble, memorials who swarmed around a king like ants, and souls drenched with filth after the riverbed cracked ... I saw the greatness of evil. After I realized that humanity is nothing but a thin layer of plaster laid on top of the soul, I heard the thoughts that were screaming in my head at high speed; I heard how fragile the existence of the body itself was; I heard the sound of an eggshell cracking; I heard the divine birth of a sculpture; —the truth of art breaking out of its shell.

Note: I'm not quite sure who the "imprisoned puppet and a slave who self-proclaimed to be noble" are. My gut says the puppet is Emil since hes always at Ada's beak and call, and the slave refers to Helena who became a tool for Galatea to use. Both are characters who are controlled by another person so I'm sure these two are being spoken of here, but ultimatly both insults mean the same thing and could be swapped around easily.

A Carefully Pasted Piece of Braille in a Writing Pad

... When he picked up the hunting rifle, I uncovered the truth of fear. When you found the whistle, I touched the mask of goodwill. When I entered the study, I knew the truth of human nature. Now... Gala.. The game is at its end.. .. When we push open the door that puts an end to all nightmares, What will we see behind it? Will it be the real you or the real me?

(There are bloodstains at the edges of the piece and an Italian phrase written in an exaggerated cursive below it — Muse no. 3)

Helena's Manor Diary

Perhaps this will be the last entry of my records. While I never found my answers about creation here, my experiences will serve as an infinite source of inspiration going forward. Just like any story about adventures, things didn't go well in the beginning. That "seminar" wasn't even fair, which made me anxious. Until I met that child. We're so much alike—both of us are trapped in a muse's cage, yet we're so much different—despite that I wanted nothing more, I could never be as candid as she is to myself. She reshaped me, just like Sullivan did back then. They showed me the light at the end of a misty journey. And as a winner who's crossed the finish line, I'll leave this place tomorrow with my "reward" and continue with my pursuit. I'll no longer be lost this time around.

A Message

Once upon a time, when light was taken from her, the love and expectations Helena Adams received helped her stay away from the border between rationality and madness. Now, when facing betrayal and without anything to rely on, she never loses her anchor between good and evil.

A Page From Helena Adams' Experiment File

Serial No. 0-0-3 (corrected to 0-1-3 afterwards)

Name: Helena Adams

[Test Indicators]

1. Kindness

2. Taming

3. Self-protection


The perfect "control group"

[Test Results]

1. Overall Evaluation: A manic at heart, she was tamed by her own conscience and education. Her self-awareness was sound and her mentality was mature. She should have been an ideal control group, but she turned out to be easily tamed and difficult to control.

2. Methodology:

After multiple tests with No. 0-1-0 in the early phase, we conducted pharmaceutical interventions in stages with a more reasonable dosage (according to data) on No. 0-0-3. Early on in the experiment, No. 0-0-3 showed excessive compassion and care toward No. 0-0-4 as they were both "lambs." She also showed kindness toward No. 0-1-0 as she considered them "allies." No. 0-0-3 was wary of No. 0-0-1 throughout, who was more mysterious and overbearing. As the experiment progressed, No. 0-0-3 became excessively compassionate. This affected her otherwise sane mind and led her to making incorrect judgements in extreme situations. She gradually fell into No. 0-0-4's trap and became the only punisher in the game. When the "truth" was exposed, the shock from the cognitive deviation and immense guilt shattered No. 0-0-3's protective shell for her personality. This seemed to have created an ideal environment for the drug. Yet the results of the experiment were far from what we had expected.

3. Analysis Summary

As Sullivan's prey, I decided that No. 0-0-3 should have been the perfect control group based on her early exchanges with Sullivan. At the beginning of the experiment, her behavior proved our point—she was too kind and easily tamed. In conventional cases, once a control group has been "broken," it would rapidly experiment into the experimental group. Perhaps there was certain unavoidable misinformation about her recent developments. During the "uncontrollable" stage, No. 0-0-3 was unsurprisingly resistant. This ultimately negated the experimental results we expected. We currently can't determine whether it was the instability and insufficiency of the medicine, or No. 0-0-3's inherent characteristics, that led to such results.

Observations ...

I have no idea how Orpheus keeps showing up in games, but the wiki thinks he's 0-1-0 and seeing as how Netease has been hinting at him having some form D.I.D for awhile now it wouldn't surprise me if multiple personalities have appeared in different games and simply don't remember. Frankly at this point I wouldn't be surprised if he was the Baron as well considering how the Journelist comments on how the manor has been restored to look like their childhood home. He gets around.

Its also kinda weird how 0-1-0's serial number is different from everyone else's. It seems to imply they should be a memeber of game one instead.

Helena x Galatea toxic yuri change my mind.

Its been suggested that Helena was actually the hunter for this game as she is refered to as becoming the "punisher" due to Galatea tricking her. Despite this it is also suggested in the letters that she "never loses her anchor between good and evil" and she belives "I'll no longer be lost this time around." Perhaps this implies that going forward she doesn't intend to be tricked into cruelty again, or that she did something to Galatea to "punish" her for her trickery.

Toxic love or manipulation seems to be a theme this game between Ada and Emil's kinda weird relationship and now Helena and Galatea. It seems that this was meant to be a control group for the experiment based on how the log describes Helena but instead became a game more about how subjects are able to control one another.

If this truly was meant to be a control group where no one died it implies some things about the Baron's intentions inviting these people here. Ada spoke to the Baron in person and can be presumed to be somewhat close to them as they extend this privillage to no one else, Galatea has obviously been here and spoken with the Baron before, and Helena is the student of Sullivan who is belived to have been the one to invite her on the Baron's behalf. It might be that they genuinely intended to help these surviors before things went wrong. It does bring into question what Orpheus' connections is...

Its possible that the Galatea we see here is pre-wheelchair as its mentioned in her Weibo Release Post that it was only after coming back from visiting a wealthy buisness man's home that she began speaking to her sculptures and threw herself off the roof to catch one. If this is in referance to her visiting the manor (which is likely since she specifically mentions Baron DeRoss in her deductions) it would imply that the Galatea we see here isn't yet in her hunter form.

However in her letter to her father she mentions destroying a bird statue she made for the Baron, perhaps sent through the mail or perhaps this was something she gave him the last time she was here, meaning this truly is her second time at the manor and may still take place after her accident. The timeline here is a little confusing to me.

Game One ...

The Sub Heading

iconSurvivors: xxx xxx xxx xxx

Hunter: xxx


Coming soon.

Letters ...

Containing only the letters relating to events within the manor specifically. In places where characters are refered to vaguely I have used their icons to indicate who is being spoken of, please refer to the key.



Observations ...


Game Two ...

The Sub Heading

iconSurvivors: xxx xxx xxx xxx

Hunter: Jack the Ripper? Wax Artist? Clerk? God there are alot of hunters this game


Coming soon.

Letters ...

Containing only the letters relating to events within the manor specifically. In places where characters are refered to vaguely I have used their icons to indicate who is being spoken of, please refer to the key.



Observations ...


Game Three ...

The Silent Game

iconSurvivors: Embalmer 3-?-1 Postman 3-?-3 Batter 3-1-4 Toy Merchant 3-1-2 Grave Keeper 3-0-1?

Hunter: Violinist 3-1-3



Our test subjects are the Batter Ganji , scouted at a young age to play for the Royal Cricket Team in England he quickly found himself treated not as an equal but as a pet to be flaunted by his keepers, after burning down the manor in which he was kept Ganji seeks to return to his homeland and family using the money he could win in the hunting game. The Postman Victor and his dog Wick, a diligent young man with selective mutism who takes his job of keeping other's secrets very seriously. For awhile now however he's been made the errand boy for a dangerous criminal calling themselves "Big Daddy" and now following the execution of a police officer Victor got to close too he hopes to escape the tightening noose strung around and maybe find a friend who would send him letters of his own at the manor.

And finally the Embalmer Aesop who was groomed by his boss and adoptive father when he was just a young apprentice to be an enthusiastic part in his assisted suicide scheme and has developed a very warped sense of morality as a result, so when a woman finds herself on his table with a letter from the same manor his father visited when he was younger he sees it as destiny he should go in the woman's place.

Letters ...

Containing only the letters relating to events within the manor specifically. In places where characters are refered to vaguely I have used their icons to indicate who is being spoken of, please refer to the key.



One Page of the Notes

There were knocks on people's doors every day, handing me notes that contained their secrets. But there was never a knock on my door. That day, the "knock... knock... knock..." first rang at ten in the morning. By the time the girl knocked on her door, Wick and I had been waiting for quite some time.

Instead of heading to her room right away, I spoke to Wick, "Shh—be gentle, buddy." Wick now understood the knockings are the new "bronze bell" for him. Every time I opened the door, he rushed out with a wagging tail. His enthusiasm always frightens the girl, making her shut the door immediately. When she heard my footsteps coming closer, she would leave the door ajar and hand me a note above the door chain. I took the note and handed it to Wick, who would leave with the note in his mouth, looking contentedly. I could hear the sound of the door closing from behind when I opened my room.

The second "click... hiss... bang..." sounded punctually before lunch.

I was waiting with my head pressed against the door of my room. Wick, on the other hand, was already circling around me impatiently. After I heard him close the door, I made a "ready" gesture to Wick. And I wouldn't open the door until his footsteps were gone, just to make sure the only thing I saw would be a lonely note he left on the hallway carpet.

Although we had only met twice, he was my favorite of the three. The notes he wrote were always long and drawn-out, so I preferred to call them letters. All the narratives were in the past tense, which made me wonder if he had exceptional education.

The "Bang! Bang! Bang!" knocking on my door this afternoon was unexpected. The knocking from a distance seemed cranky, which I hadn't heard before. It sounded not like the two came before, then it must be him. As I hesitated, the knocking suddenly became rapid, making Wick and I look at each other with concern. After a rush of footsteps, my door was knocked for the first time. The loud knocking sound thumped my heart. Looking back on it now, I still can't tell if I was more excited or panicking.

I didn't want to open the door, as I had encountered someone as irritable as him before. I was unsure how to interact with him due to that experience. But then I remembered the rule that we should not talk to each other, so I gathered the courage to open the door. I opened the door slightly, and immediately the door was pushed open and bounced off the wall with an angry "bang!" I lowered my head to avoid eye contact with him, and my eyes fell on the gray(sometimes translated as "white") clothes. Wick pricked up his ears and wagged his tail forcibly. Then, a note was left on the ground. I didn't dare to pick it up as I saw he raised his huge right foot. "The terrible hammer is going to smash the wooden box!" I thought. Fortunately, it ended up just smashing the ground.

After the feet disappeared from my sight, I finally breathed a long sigh of relief, knelt down to pick up the note, and then closed the door. The note was folded up irregularly. There were a few scribbles on it, seemingly for the girl. The surface of the paper was rugged, as if the handwriting had been altered many times. Perhaps this was the reason he was unwilling to write the note. I hesitated and left the note folded.

After putting down the note, I tapped on the desk and listened to the knocking sound. I looked down and asked Wick, who was relaxing and wagging his tail, "Don't you think this is the most beautiful sound in the world?"

Note: Poor Ganji, the lone extrovert in this game of anxious loners. He's not coping well with the isolation it would seem, made all the worse by his poor writing. In his defense english is likely his second language.

Aesop Carl's Diary

… Everyone's finally here. The letter said that the match would start in three days. Tomorrow, it'll be time for me to talk to that man. Last night I dreamt Jerry, who was standing in the dim yellow light and arranging human remains in the coffins. I helped him place white flowers in the coffins, he patted me on the shoulder and said I had done a good job.

I think that dream may have been a sign, congratulating me on finding my purpose and reminding me of what I must do. Over the years, I have kept Jerry's teachings in my mind and have never forgotten my duty as an undertaker. Since entering the manor, I have been looking for the right person to attempt a new start. That flakey girl won't do, and neither will that cranky guy with a strange accent. Someone quiet would be best suited for lying in a soft comfortable coffin... and now, my search is over!

He truly has a face made for eternal slumber! He always sits in the corner silently, looking as though he holds a secret he is terrified of anyone finding out. I think... I'm the only one who understands him, and he understands me as well. I'll talk to him tomorrow... or maybe I should write a note or a letter to him. Only he can understand that I badly need him to become my "silent friend."

If he wants me to, I can even "take care" of his dog as well. And the other two, although they're not the most suitable candidates, I can bide my time for the perfect chance to send them off.

I can't wait to open my makeup box and complete my mission.

Last Page of a Diary

I'm just lying around in my room, indulging in a day of idleness, with Wick napping at my feet. In these peaceful moments, unwelcome memories often come flooding back. Perhaps I have replayed them too many times, as I have grown numb to them.

I've always been true to the postal worker's code, ensuring every letter is delivered with care, and no letter is left undelivered. But it has been quite some time since I last received an actual letter—the kind that arrives neatly folded in an envelope adorned with stamps.

Thankfully, they sent me plenty of notes. One by one, they knock on my door-some anxious and scared, some urgent and irritable , and some calm and composed. In moments like these, that familiar sense of trust and responsibility comes rushing back to me. Perhaps these notes serve as my reward. Thanks to this game, I believe I have, in a way, fulfilled my wish.

Now, I am left with one final task—giving these notes the proper "packaging." It feels like fate has given me a second chance. While I failed to achieve perfection the first time, I now have a shot at redemption, where all imperfections can turn to ashes. Only then will these notes truly become "letters." I wonder if this diary will ever see the light of day. Maybe one day, my secrets could be someone else's secrets for once.

Final Diary Entry

Returning to my room and writing these words means that everything is over. Anne Lester and I dealt with that guy, and she kept screaming irritatingly throughout the process. Later, I made arrangements for her and completed my mission in an orderly fashion. The flames seem to be sending everything off, and my friend has fallen asleep in flames for his pursuit. I admire his persistence, but I still feel sorry for him.

Mr. Jerry Carl said rebirth of the soul requires a whole body at peace. My friend has been always been silent as a corpse. It is like he has been preparing for the path of return, and not only did I bury him in a sea of flames, I didn't even see him close his eyes. As for Mr. Jerry Carl, the one I'm most grateful to, the last time I saw him, his entire body was soft as if his bones were made of noodles. I spent quite a bit of time embalming him, and he groaned in pain when he finally took his last breath. The flames are growing. I can smell the burning, and dust from the broken wood is falling on me. It's like a stone thrown at me from long ago. It isn't very painful, but it distracts me. Like how the dust falling from covering the coffin stained the makeup Jerry had done for her. Like the day he took my hand and led me out of the graveyard, the air was full of dust from the storm..


It's finally time for me to be on my way, but there's no one to embalm me now.

So, the sea of flames is the best home for me.

These flames will illuminate my new journey ahead.

Toward new beginnings, and to usher in the last hymn of the soul.

A Message

Aesop Carl has accompanied countless souls to their end, and now, his own journey nears its closure. While he finds solace in fulfilling his duty, he carries regret for the souls he couldn't guide. But it's time for it all to conclude. As he said—There is no one to bury him, and these flames are a fitting illumination for his lonely journey.

A Page from Ganji Gupta's Experiment File

Serial No. 3-1-4

Name: Ganji Gupta

[Test Indicators]

1. Social Rejection

2. Lack of Security

3. Impulse Control Disorder

[Test Trend]

A dangerous individual lacking self-control.

[Test Results]

1. Overall Evaluation:

Within the confines of our vigilant observation, any act out of the ordinary is deemed a potential threat. Subject 3-1-4, driven by a heart aching for his distant homeland, displays a fervent resolve and an insatiable thirst for victory. Coupled with the random outbursts stemming from his impulse control disorder, he emerges as the most ostensibly threatening character within the group.

2. Methodology:

Owing to past experiences, 3-1-4 habitually rejects social interaction in unfamiliar environments. However, fueled by his desire for victory, he actively explores the manor and engages in brief exchanges with 3-?-1 and 3-1-2.In comparison to the open communication between 3-?-1 and 3-?-3, 3-1-4's reserved behavior has resulted in a limited understanding from the equally curious 3-1-2. Additionally, the frequent unexplained loud noises (it was observed that 3-1-4 chooses to alleviate anxiety by practicing cricket) have caused 3-1-2 to develop a sense of aversion towards him.

Given the group's general reluctance to communicate proactively, textual exchanges provide greater secondary maneuverability but inevitably reduce the speed and frequency of inter-group communication. Consequently, targeted information and "supplies" were selectively provided to the experimental subjects to enhance observation and facilitate experimental progress.

Early in the experiment, this provision significantly intensified 3-1-2's wariness of 3-1-4. The effects of the compound further heightened 3-1-2's anxiety, prompting reduced rest periods and nocturnal exploration. However, the bright lights triggered a loss of control in 3-1-4. The loud noise caused by 3-1-4 attracted the attention of other subjects. 3-?-1 and 3-?-3 arrived promptly, restraining 3-1-4 and relocating him to a pitch-black room. Upon awakening and realizing his state of confinement, 3-1-4's animosity toward the other subjects escalated. Even when an anonymous note of camaraderie was slipped through the crack of his door, he feigned agreement, intending to exploit the situation to eliminate the sender from the game.

The initial note was authored by 3-1-2, but before 3-1-4 saw it, we subtly modified its wording to intensify a threatening tone. It is worth noting that, while 3-1-2 did not genuinely cooperate, he merely sought to control 3-1-4's actions in order to prevent further gameplay, without considering even more drastic measures.

At the agreed-upon dusk, 3-1-2, who had gained an understanding of the cause of 3-1-4's condition, had prepared a glider in advance and arrived with a light, attempting to induce 3-1-4's symptoms.

3-1-4 was not entirely unprepared, as he had previously obtained a potion to temporarily diminish his perception of home in his consciousness, stabilize his emotions, and thereby avoid the onset of his symptoms.3-1-4 preemptively ingested the elixir, gaining an advantage over 3-1-2 during their struggle. However, chaos ensued when 3-1-2 accidentally knocked over the lantern, igniting the room.

3-1-2 escaped through the window using the glider, while 3-1-4 navigated the rapidly spreading flames in search of an escape route. Unfortunately, as the elixir's effects waned, anxiety and fear consumed 3-1-4's thoughts, pushing him perilously close to a full-blown episode.

In his agitated state, 3-1-4 encountered 3-1-2 together with 3-?-1 and 3-?-3 called out by 3-1-2. While 3-1-2 attempted to control 3-1-4 with 3-?-1, the latter, driven by a sense of duty, chose to use 3-1-4 as the true inception of their work, guiding him toward a dignified end.

3. Experiment Summary:

The "further ideal" that 3-1-4 so desperately sought was but a mirage, confined to the labyrinth of his own psyche—his aspirations unfulfilled in foreign lands, his homeland but a fading memory. Amongst the participants, 3-1-4's motives, though tragically mundane, were the most comprehensible, leading inexorably to his sorrowful demise.

The experiment revealed that while the introduction of specific stimuli and "supplies" did indeed catalyze interaction, the potion's efficacy was mired by 3-1-4's own pathology and the reticence of 3-?-3, yielding scant valuable data. Further trials are warranted to refine the criteria for such interventions. In the artificially induced pressure of our construct, the reserved subjects displayed latent tendencies and potential for progress when faced with perceived threats. Considering the unique nature of communication employed, future experiments may benefit from selecting subjects with stronger interrelations or providing more subtle cues to guide the proceedings and ensure the integrity of our observations.

A Page from Victor Grantz's Experiment File

Serial No. 3-?-3

[Test Indicators]

1. Reticent and Withdrawn

2. Insecurity

3. Emotional Cutoff


Subject 3-?-3's secrecy is a projection of the negative emotions in his subconscious.

[Test Results]

1. Overall Evaluation

Subject 3-?-3's past made him develop a withdrawn personality and a certain degree of indifference to humans. He converted his emotions into pity and sympathy toward objects and non-human life. Although Subject 3-?-3 is indifferent to people, he displays an extreme emotional response to "secrets." Even the most insignificant secrets stay absolutely safe with him.

2. Methodology

Except for Subject 3-1-4 , all the other subjects in Group 3 remained alienated from each other upon arriving at the Manor. The high level of social anxiety present in Group 3 began the game in the form of notes and letters. This method maintained a delicate balance between them for some time. They remained connected without disturbing each other. The seemingly reticent Subject 3-?-3 enjoyed this form of communication, and this group of three simplified their communication into a combination of symbols. He used pets to communicate carefully with those symbols, and to a certain extent, this response and feedback reflected Subject 3-?-3's subconscious desire to form a connection with people. In the group of three, Subject 3-?-3 and Subject 3-?-1 maintained a special relationship. But Subject 3-?-3 was not aware of the fundamental reason for Subject 3-?-1's positive reaction toward him, and even had a good impression of the false display put on by Subject 3-?-1 due to the increased length and superior wording of the notes Subject 3-?-1 would send him.

Written notes are the perfect form of proof to sow discord and expose secrets, and they acted as an effective catalyst for the development of the experiment's middle and late stages. Once the drugs were administered, Subject 3-1-2's fear of Subject 3-1-4 intensified. She expressed her discomfort to Subject 3-?-3 and Subject 3-?-1, but Subject 3-?-3 did not display a particularly obvious emotional response to Subject 3-1-4 because human relationships were of no concern to him. This experiment was suspended in its late stages due to an error in judgment. However, that instance of arson did not affect the experiment's outcome. On the contrary, the incident became an important factor in the experiment. Remembering the notes left behind in the fire made Subject 3-?-3 rush into the flames to ensure that those notes would never fall into the wrong hands. However, he failed to escape the fire.

3. Experiment Summary

Although the notes managed to form a temporary relationship between Subject 3-?-3 and the other subjects, they failed to stop Subject 3-?-3 from cutting off his emotions. His behavior during the incident represents his need to always maintain absolute secrecy, and how he stopped at nothing to do so reflects his guilt and desire to rectify his past mistakes.

A Page from Aesop Carl's Experiment File

Serial No. 3-?-1

Name: Aesop Carl

[Test Indicators]

1. Motivated

2. Apathy

3. Cognitive Bias


A dangerous character who appears stable on the surface.

[Test Results]

1. Overall Evaluation:

No. 3-?-1 followed the rules and was emotionally stable. Apart from being extremely introverted, there wasn't any obvious trait. However, his past gave him an unconventional view on life and death. His only motivation stemmed from his desire to guide those who had been struggling to end their life with dignity. As a result of his clear goal and strong motivation, No. 3-1-2 and No. 3-1-4 were eliminated because of him.

2. Methodology:

Except for No. 3-1-4, all of the subjects in this group share similar traits—quiet, low-key, recluse, and avoid confrontations at all cost. Early on in the experiment, No. 3-?-1 and No. 3-?-3 were attracted to each other. Such attraction came from both No. 3-?-3's obsession with letters and No. 3-?-1's appreciation of his ideal. As things went as planned, No. 3-?-1, with a clear goal, followed the rules and remained stable. Once we used medication on No. 3-1-2 and 3-1-4, the stability was gone. No. 3-1-2's anxiety was triggered, eventually affecting No. 3-1-4 who was also troubled by their past. Yet No. 3-?-1 wasn't affected at this point. It wasn't until the prey went missing that No. 3-1-4 lost their cool and became extremely violent, and the plan was interrupted, forcing No. 3-?-1 to show his inner personality.

3. Experiment Summary:

Affected by his upbringing and education background, No. 3-?-1 had an unconventional view of life—he thought there was no difference between life and death, and that it was his calling to guide those who had been struggling to end their lives with dignity. No. 3-?-1 knew full well that the effect of his past on his mentality was different from the others in the group. This affected his rational judgement. Therefore, while No. 3-?-1's appearance and behavior were normal, his cognitive awareness drove him to extreme actions.

Early on in the experiment, No. 3-?-1 and No. 3-?-3 clicked not because of their reliance on each other as allies or companions but their shared gaze on rare prey as predators. Once the prey was lost, No. 3-?-1 was triggered to eliminate No. 3-1-4, who interrupted his plan, and to make it his goal to eliminate No. 3-1-2. This showed how cold No. 3-?-1's reaction was toward emotional triggers. His internal motivation to achieve his goal was the only factor that affected his behavior. In this case, only when his plan was affected and his actions were interrupted can one truly understand his nature based on his response.

Observations ...

Victor is kinda weird because he has a stitch over his mouth and is refered to by other characters as being quiet and prefers to communicate in letters rather than speaking, but in lots of promotional materials becomes suddenly very vocal. I was intially under the impression Victor was mute as were many others but if we're counting the adverts as canon it may be that that sticth is more metphorical in nature, instead refering to his vow of silence lest he get wacked by the mob. If thats the case it'd be a real shame... Selective Mutism maybe?

There was recently a leaked birthday letter which I don't know much about but in which multiple characters act cruelly and out of character especially Anne and Ganji. But in Aesop's experiment file its noted that both of these characters were exposed to an experimental drug and that afterwards "the stability was gone." It could be this out of character behaviour was a result of this drug. But again this is only a leak and not yet confirmed. Yes I'm using the gas leak excuse, I'm coping ok.

I belive the Violinist was supposed to be this groups hunter due to his serial number following the same pattern as the others, but as we have seen in Orpheus' case in game zero this isn't hard evidence of his involement. Ultimatley since no one survived to the hunting game we will never know who it was going to be, or if there was one at all... very few of these groups are getting that far and we have established in Ashes of Memory that the manor will sometimes use drugs to cause players to hallucinate hunters...

On the topic of serial numbers, Victor's and Aesop's are weird right? 3-?-3 and 3-?-1 aren't just different to the other players they're different to any other character we've seen so far, and with the two of thems relationship I wonder if this shared strangeness is related to that. Also weird is how many other characters not offically part of this game also have numbers starting with 3, we've already established the Violinist but the Gravekeeper too. Maybe the manor tried to re-do this experiment at some point due to this ones failure.

We know at least that the players here were sworn to silence, but I'm not sure if its ever said that they have to communicate through the postman specifically. Why couldn't they just deliver their letters themselves? Perhaps they were kept in far corners of the manor and it was easier to let these things go through Victor, or perhaps he was the only one allowed to know everyone's rooms.

In the Original Chinese Character Introduction Ganji is refered to as "Alves" and its said that he "wanted to go home and have a new identity." It could be Ganji is a false name that hes using for this new start or just a difference in localisation.

Ganji's mental issue is described as "mania" and "impulse control disorder", but what does this actually mean? My personal theory is PTSD due to how it seems to be triggered by bright light's implied to remind him of the fire that burnt down the mansion where he was staying before.

Game Four ...

The Veteran's Game

iconSurvivors: Doctor Lawyer Thief Gardener

Hunter: Hell Ember


Coming soon.

Letters ...

Containing only the letters relating to events within the manor specifically. In places where characters are refered to vaguely I have used their icons to indicate who is being spoken of, please refer to the key.



Observations ...


Game Five ...

The Sub Heading

iconSurvivors: Perfumer Cowboy Enchantress First Officer Painter?

Hunter: Wu Chang


Coming soon.

Letters ...

Containing only the letters relating to events within the manor specifically. In places where characters are refered to vaguely I have used their icons to indicate who is being spoken of, please refer to the key.



Observations ...


Game Six ...

The Sub Heading

iconSurvivors: Coordinator Priestess Seer Barmaid Professor

Hunter: Evil Reptilian?


Coming soon.

Letters ...

Containing only the letters relating to events within the manor specifically. In places where characters are refered to vaguely I have used their icons to indicate who is being spoken of, please refer to the key.



Observations ...


Game Seven ...

The Sub Heading

iconSurvivors: xxx xxx xxx xxx

Hunter: xxx


Coming soon.

Letters ...

Containing only the letters relating to events within the manor specifically. In places where characters are refered to vaguely I have used their icons to indicate who is being spoken of, please refer to the key.



Observations ...


Game Eight ...

The Sub Heading

iconSurvivors: Female Dancer Acrobat Weeping Clown xxx

Hunter: Smiley Face? Soul Weaver?


Coming soon.

Letters ...

Containing only the letters relating to events within the manor specifically. In places where characters are refered to vaguely I have used their icons to indicate who is being spoken of, please refer to the key.



Observations ...


Game Nine ...

The Winter Game


Survivors: Magician Explorer Mercenary Forward Wildling

Hunter: Gamekeeper



Here our players are the "Explorer" Kurt (or rather as it would seem the Writer or Solider Kurt) a schizophrenic army veteran who initially learnt to cope with his traumatic experiences by reframing them in writing as mere adventure stories of his many travels around the world, but soon found as his condition worsened under the poor medical treatment of the time he was more and more unable to tell these fictional stories from his reality. At every turn Kurt's dreams of exploration and freedom are stifled by both his own illness and the biases of the time and yet its clear Kurt would make an excellent archaeologist if only he was given the support the Baron has promised him and which he desperately needs.

Letters ...

Containing only the letters relating to events within the manor specifically. In places where characters are refered to vaguely I have used their icons to indicate who is being spoken of, please refer to the key.



Observations ...


Letters ...

Containing only the letters relating to events within the manor specifically. In places where characters are refered to vaguely I have used their icons to indicate who is being spoken of, please refer to the key.



Observations ...
